30 June 2007

Holy Night

Yes, O' Holy Night!

It's shortly after one o'clock in the morning, and I've
just returned from a late night walk. What an
experience! Except for the shadows from trees, the
old gravel road is bathed in the full moon's light.

At one point, the moon was directly in front of me,
framed between tall spruce and maple trees lining
both sides of the road. I stood there, struck by the
beauty of the scene. I stared at the moon, then
closed my eyes, and inhaled several deep breaths,
visualizing the light filling every part of my body.

I wish some of you could have been with me tonight,
as you would have been amazed by the experience.
And, imagine this, it's free! That's a good thing, as it's
impossible to place a dollar value on such things.

Tomorrow evening is the Sweet Grass session. But,
rest assured, I'll be taking a late night walk, yet again.

My best wishes to everyone,


Pixie said...

Hi Laurie,

I love the title, just what I needed...a reminder of Christmas! Ha ha:)

I wish I had the courage to go for a walk in the full moonlight like you do. That sounds like such a heavenly experience, but you are right...you should be sharing it with someone;)

That would have been perfect for you, as two silhouette's faced each other, draped in moonlight. Witnessed by only the trees and stars:) You know Maria is out there waiting for you;)

Thanks for the visualization,