As March Ends....
Well, here we are at the end of March. The temperature
shows +16 C., which is about 62 F. The lake near my
home is now free of ice, while I can hear the waves
moving against the rocky shore line.
I took a walk into the medicine woods, to see if I
could spot new plant life pushing through the ground. But,
as I discovered, it's still a bit too early for that to happen.
I did find lots of gold thread, Coptis trifolia, at various
places along my route. It is difficult to mis-identify this
plant, as it has bright yellow rhizomes. Those rhizomes
are very bitter to the taste, and can be used for many
problems, including canker sores, and acid-reflux
problems. For more information, see my plant notes at,
All the best!
Note -- This information is not given as medical advice, but simply
as educational information on traditional remedies and plant
uses. Self-treatment is strictly the responsibility of the
individual(s) concerned.
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