Today, I Found More Labrador Tea!
Well, finally, some sunny weather here in good ol' Nova
Scotia! It's allowed me to get back out in the woods, and
look for medicinal plants, and other interesting things.
Mind you, I've noticed that the mosquitoes are more plentiful
than last year, in my area of the province.
Today, I discovered a new location for labrador tea, which
happens to be a favourite plant of mine. It's rather deep in
a predominantly softwood forest, that opens into a large
swamp, replete with all kinds of interesting grasses, and
some old hackmatack trees. I found the large cluster of
labrador tea growing on the southern boundary of the
I've brewed the tea on many occasions. It's often listed as
a poisonous plant because it is classified as a member of
the Rhododendron family of plants. It contains a volatile oil
which, if released, can cause problems. However, I'm
always careful to steep the tea, rather than boiling it for
long periods of time. It gives off a mild, spicy flavour, which
I find quite nice.
Tomorrow, I plan to work on another issue of the newsletter,
Natural Healing Talk. You can subscribe to the newsletter
at my Wild World of Plants site,
This will be issue # 8, and I'm happy to say that the
subscriber base continues to grow, albeit slowly.
Well, it's late -- time to get some sleep!
Good medicine always!
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