17 May 2006

The Natural Healing Talk Newsletter

Hi Everybody,

Here is the latest issue of the Natural Healing
newsletter for your examination. I normally
don't post the newsletter, but decided to give it some
extra exposure, as part of the effort to build a
subscriber base. Subscribe at Wild World of Plants,
or send an email to subscribe@wildworldofplants.com.


Natural Healing Talk
May 16, 2006, Vol., 1, # 5

Feature Article
Featured Web Link
Ethnobotanical Note
Barter Section
General & Unsubscribe Info

Hello Everybody,

I'll begin by commenting on the field walk for pie day, that took
place on Sunday, May 7th.

It was a small, but wonderful event, involving myself and three
guests. We had an hour long walk in an area I call "the medicine
woods". I gave it this name, years ago, because I can find many
of my medicine plants there. I say "my" medicine plants, because
other people may seek out and work with different plants, and may
not find this place as rich for medicines.

In any event, we found plants such as gold thread, labrador tea,
bog rosemary, and mayflowers in abundance! We discovered a
stripped maple, black spruce, witch hazel, and lots of alders. We
hiked for about an hour, and then returned to my place where tea,
coffee, and pie, were the order of the day. More specifically, apple
and lemon pie. I won't say how much pie I ate; but, suffice to say,
I felt it would be rude not to try everyone's pie. Besides, the guests
demanded that I try their pies! Now, I'm thinking of making this an
annual event. However, if I should have upwards to a dozen guests
for the 2007 event, I want you to know that it'll be impossible to
sample all the pies:)

I received an interesting question from Ruth in Maine, who
wondered what she could pick directly from her field, and prepare
as a general cleansing tonic drink to use throughout much of the
summer season? She has a two acre property, mostly field, with a
few trees along the perimeter of the field. After exchanging a few
emails with Ruth, and learning about certain plants that grow in her
field, I suggested white clover. We normally only hear about the
benefits of red clover blossoms. However, don't under-estimate the
value of the white clover. It, too, can be used to purify the blood,
and cleanse the system.

The white clover is usually more plentiful than red clover. While both
clovers are valued by farmers, the white offers continuous grazing
for cattle throughout the summer. It keeps renewing itself very
quickly. Apparently, it is quite plentiful on Ruth's field in Maine. A
good way to prepare this tonic drink, is to use 2 tablespoons of the
blossoms to a pint of water. Do not use green parts of the plant.
Heat the water so that it is just below boiling, and allow it to steep
for 10 to 12 minutes. Drink 2 or 3 cups of the tea, daily, over a week
long period. Repeat every 3 weeks during the growing season for
the clover.

Well, I hope you've enjoyed this rambling presentation on pies and
clover. All the best to everyone!


Feature Article
Art and Wellness

I went sketching yesterday for the first time in perhaps two
years. I had forgotten how absorbed one can become with
the practice of sketching. In this instance, I walked to a
wheelbarrow that I had turned upside down against a pile of
boards, several days earlier. I decided to sketch it.

There is a big difference between sketching a general impression
of an object or scene, and actually looking with focused intent
at something, and trying to put what you see on paper. It is this
trying to "see" and the rendering on paper of this "seeing" that
is quite absorbing. I became lost in the process, so to speak.
And, on several occasions, I caught myself drawing lines
according to my own notions, rather than determining how those
lines on the wheelbarrow actually appeared to my sight, and
then rendering them on paper.

The same scenario applies to painting on location. It is quite
easy to simply paint one's impression of a scene, rather than
what the eye is actually registering. Indeed, I like to paint in
this fashion, and to render my own creative interpretation of
a scene. The main thing is to be honest with oneself. To
first look with intent and focus at what you are painting, and,
then, to decide how you want to do the painting.

We can apply the same process to a great many things in life.
For instance, just as I assumed certain lines on the wheelbarrow
went in certain directions, I've also assumed things about people
and events that may have no basis in reality. We've all done
similar things in our lives. We may assume that someone hates
us, or that someone is outrageously in love with us, or that we
should behave in a certain way to please people. I've done all
three and guess what! Those things remove us from the full
appreciation and enjoyment of the present moment.

Why not take a small step to re-capture life in the present
moment, and the healing it affords? Do it through art. Buy a
sketch pad and a few pencils -- I would recommend HB, B, and
2B types. Then, sketch for at least fifteen minutes every day, or
several times each week. Try to render what the eye sees. Don't
worry about results. Enjoy the process!

The important thing is to focus and become absorbed in the
sketching activity -- to live those moments in the present, without
thoughts of the past or future. I have a theory that when we are
absorbed in the moment, in some activity like sketching, painting,
sculpturing, dance, song, or whatever, we are operating from a
naturally balanced state, and are maximizing our ability both to
prevent or heal illness.

So, go ahead, and become involved in the arts, even if you don't feel
you have talent. Relax. Enjoy the artistic endeavour. Laugh at your
mistakes. Do it as part of a healthy lifestyle.

Enough preaching.

Good medicine always!

Featured Web Link
Foraging With the "Wildman" -- Wildman Steve Brill's Wild
Food Website. This is a fun site. I'd like to meet Steve Brill,
because I think we could learn a lot from each other. He
gives workshops, presentations, and field walks, primarily in
the northeastern part of the United States. He notes that the
main purpose of his "hands-on" program is to get back in touch
with nature and the environment. He's the author of The Wild
Vegetarian Cookbook, and several other works. He sells
signed copies of his books, from the website. Wildman Bill has
a wonderful links page, listing a diverse number of interesting
sites. Check him out, and have some fun browsing the site, at
Wildman Steve Brill.

Ethnobotanical Note
Bayberry (Myrica pensylvanica L.), has had a number of
interesting medicinal uses in the traditional medicines of
the Native peoples of Atlantic Canada. The leaves and dried
roots were steeped in water, and used as a mouth wash
to treat mouth infections. It was also used to treat arthritic
pain. In this regard, the leaves were used in poultice form,
or the dried, powdered root, was steeped or boiled in water,
and applied as a soothing wash to the painful area. The
leaves also make an interesting seasoning on either fish or
meat. They can be broken up and placed on a roast to give
it a touch of exotic flavour!


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Barter Section
Bartering is a great way to exchange goods and services. If
anyone has something they would like to list here, in exchange
for another item, please inform me before the next issue. It's a
free service! Send item notice to barter@wildworldofplants.com.
I reserve the right to edit item descriptions.

"I continued to look at the flowers, and in
their living light I seemed to detect the
qualitative equivalent of breathing ... with
no recurrent ebbs but only a repeated
flow from beauty to heightened beauty...."
Aldous Huxley,
The Doors of Perception, p. 18.

General & Unsubscribe Info
Natural Healing Talk © Copyright 2006,
Laurie Lacey, except where indicated otherwise. All rights reserved
worldwide. Reprint only with permission from copyright holder(s).
All trademarks are property of their respective owners. All contents
provided as is. Advertisers are solely responsible for ad content.

To contact me with feedback, questions or praise, email

To subscribe, please email

To unsubscribe, please email

Please feel free to use excerpts from this newsletter
as long as you give credit with a link to my page at:

Laurie Lacey -- writer, painter, life skills coach, with extensive
background in traditional plant and tree medicines. My sites
are at Wild World of Plants and My Art Site
Also, I have a blog at The Nature Writer's Digs
and an RSS feed at Feedburner.

Disclaimer: The material in this newsletter is for
information purposes only, and is not meant to replace
professional medical advice and treatment. Any use of
information in this newsletter for treatment or self-treatment
is strictly the responsibility of the individual(s) involved in
said treatment.

Natural Healing Talk is an opt-in ezine available by
subscription only. I neither use nor endorse the use
of spam.

Thank you!