10 October 2007

Evening Stroll


It's 8:30 in the evening and I just arrived home
from an evening stroll. The night air is cool as
it's only 6 Celsuis.

Have you ever noticed how the stars twinkle in
the cool autumn atmosphere, or on a cold winter
night? I love it! The sky comes alive at such a
time, enhancing the connection we feel with the

As I walked down my lane, I heard the rustle of
bushes -- a rather heavy rustle -- too heavy I
thought for a small animal. So, I waited. Finally,
I saw the dim outline of a porcupine moving
through the beech saplings.

It was the little porcupine that's been staying
near my place for the past two years. I always
enjoy greeting this porcupine as we've developed
a sort of kinship and affinity for each other. In fact,
I've adopted many of the wild animals in the
vicinity of my home, as friends.

The walk was nice, and even though we're moving
into a new moon period, it's surprising how much
light is available when your eyes adjust to the
darkness. However, I'm excited about the next full
moon period, as I plan to walk to Leipsigaek Lake
by the light of the moon.

For information about it, go to the following
webpage and scroll down to the "Field Walks
and Presentations
" listings.

I'll return, soon.

All the best!