14 November 2008

I Photographed An Orb Hovering Above My Field

Hi Everyone,

I trust all of you are well and looking forward to
the Christmas season.

One evening last spring, as I was examining the
herb garden, I noticed an Owl sitting on a post
about thirty feet from where I stood. It was likely
watching for field mice, and other things moving
about in the old dry grass on the field.

I went back to the house and fetched my digital
camera, so I could photograph the Owl. It was
dusk and fast approaching full darkness, as you
can tell from the photo, below. Well, I failed in
my attempt to capture the Owl, but discovered
that I had gotten an Orb, instead!

You can see the moon-like Orb on the right side
of the photo. It's floating about three to five feet
above the field, and silhouetted against the
treeline, behind.

Quite interesting, and a fascinating image, if
I do say so myself! :) If you have a comment or
opinion about Orbs, I'd like to hear about it. Have
you ever photographed one, or seen an Orb?

All the best, and I'll return, soon.



carol said...

great pic. yes orbs are real. i had 3 blue ones come through the room i was sitting in and exit out the wall on other side one pre dawn morn. when the last one past me i heard a thunk and looked down to see a live moth had landed on my keyboard. they were about the size of baseballs and each had a tail like a comet. still have not fully realized the message nor understand what/who they are. i hope they return and clarify for me.

Laurie said...

Hi Carol,

Thanks for sharing your experience with Orbs! You had an amazing experience and I certainly hope that you do receive some clarification.

Perhaps if you meditate with "intent" on the orbs and your experience, you will receive some clarification. Your experience is a lot like that of a Jamaican friend of mine, who told me years ago, that he had seen balls of blue light in a room. However, he didn't mention seeing the meteor-like tails.

Thanks again for the comment, and keep me informed. I'd love to know if you experience the Orbs, again, or whether you received clarification.

All the best,

carol said...

thanks laurie,
i have asked 1000 times over for clarity, another visit etc. i trust it will be revealed when i am ready to receive it. until then it goes on the shelf with all the other unanswered experiences and remain grateful for them. i have looked at hundreds of pics of orbs but have not seen the tails. perhaps because they were moving versus hovering, don't know. ironically i have never caught one on camera yet either. not surprising yours chose to hang out with the herbs, what better place!
thanks for posting and bringing the memory back to the moment.
will let you know of further insights and please do post any more you see.
have a magical day, carol