15 May 2008

Walking in Nova Scotia on a Misty Night


I arrived home a few nights ago at about 11 o'clock.
The weather was misty and overcast, blanketing the
landscape in a deep darkness. Even so, the frogs
were calling loudly up along the old mines road,
inviting me to walk out into the night.

So, away I went, feeling my way along the road, and
through the mass of pot holes that appear at this
time of the year. Soon, my imagination got the best
of me, and I fancied myself tripping over a porcupine,
and wondering what damage its quills would inflict
as they punctured my legs.

This imagination might have gotten the better of me,
except, that, adjusting to the darkness, I was soon
able to perceive the faint outline of the road ahead
of me. Mind you, it was barely visible, and I must
say that I've rarely experienced such deep, heavy

Arriving home, I felt refreshed, and ready for an
evening tea. Later, as I made my way to bed, the
rain started and played off the roof as I fell asleep.

Altogether, a terrific evening!

Catch you later,