04 January 2009

Snow As Waves Of Movement In The Light Of A Waxing Moon

Hi Everyone,

Yes, I went walking in the moonlight this evening.

The sky was overcast, but the moon broke through,
occasionally. It was cold as I left the house to walk
along the old mines road. There was a breeze coming
in from the northwest, which made the -5 degree
temperature seem more like -15!

I walked at a fast pace and enjoyed how the snow
reflected the light from the moon, even while it was
under the clouds. When it broke through the cloud
cover, the snow glistened in the frosty light.

Altogether, I had a beautiful outing!

I love walking on winter evenings. At one point tonight,
as I walked along the road, my eyes watered from
the cold -- I also noticed waves of movement in the
air. At first I thought the movement was an illusion
caused by water-filled eyes. However, I soon realized
that the wave-like movement was in fact snow swirling
about in the air.

This was the first time I had experienced snow as
a wave movement. I couldn't see the flakes -- just the
motion they made in front and around me. I first saw
the flakes of snow, when I turned on my flashlight.

So, now, I'm off for a cup of tea, and then a bubble
bath before I hit the sack!

All the best for 2009!

p.s. You can now purchase my Micmac Medicines
plant book on Amazon. Click Here!