18 November 2007

A Cool Evening, New Glasgow, and a Workshop


I was going to go walking this evening, but the
moon sat before I returned from visiting my
mother at the nursing home in Mahone Bay.

Oh yes, I had a great time in New Glasgow. The
presentation was well received, and I must say
that it was one of the best performances of my
speaking career. :) Everything seemed to click,
and fall into place. It's so nice, when that

The temperature is hovering near the freezing
mark at the moment, while tomorrow is likely to
be cool, according to the forecast. I think we
are supposed to hit +3 Celsuis.

I am seriously thinking of hosting a workshop
this winter, based on finding and using natural
plant/tree medicines and foods that could be
used during survival conditions. If it happens,
I'll be posting the date and time on this blog.

Well, must go for now.

I'll be back, soon!

14 November 2007

I'm in New Glasgow This Evening. . . .


Well, just a brief note to say that I'm off to
New Glasgow, Nova Scotia, for a medicinal
plant presentation at the Public Library,

If anyone of you are in the New Glasgow
area this evening (November 14th), drop on
by to hear the presentation. It'll be starting
at 7 o'clock.

All the best to everyone. I'll be back, soon,
with another post.

Good medicine always!

08 November 2007

I Survived the Remnants of Hurricane Noel


Well, as it turned out, I lost my electric
power when the remnants of Hurricane Noel
blasted its way through Nova Scotia. However,
I didn't suffer any permanant damage to
property -- lost about ten shingles off my
house, but that was the extent of the damage.

Oh yes, when nature decides to unlease her
fury, we have to take notice, and often take

Now, tonight is very still, with the temperature
hovering around the freezing mark. I had
intended to go walking, but have decided to
stay home and catch up with blog posting,
email, and some over online chores.

I'll be back over the weekend with another
post -- for now, I just wanted to let you
know that I survived the fury of Noel!

All the best,

03 November 2007

Waiting and Watching for Noel. . . .


I'm sitting in the porch of my home, sipping
tea and watching the remnants of Hurricane
Noel, begin to pass overhead.

The winds are moderate as of 4:30, but are
supposed to become strong through the evening
and overnight. The forecast also calls for
heavy rain -- it's been steady to date.

If I don't lose my power, I'll report back later
tonight with an update.

All the best to everyone!