05 October 2012

The Natural Healing Talk Newsletter, 30 September 2012

Natural Healing Talk
30 September 2012, Vol., 7, #8
Published by Laurie Lacey

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Hi Everyone, Greetings!
I'm pleased to be back with another issue of the

Looking back over the past summer, one of the most
satisfying things of note, were the abundance of bees
and hummingbirds that tended our gardens. It is so
wonderful to watch the bees crawling over the thyme,
and to observe the hummingbirds frequenting the
morning glory and various flower beds.

In this issue, I've decided to talk about art, natural
healing and the outdoor experience.

When I began painting in a serious fashion, back in
the 1980s, I would often pack a lunch and go off to
paint at one of the many scenic locations near where
I live. In fact, that first year I did a total of 154 paintings,
of which approximately 50 were painted on location.

I would often remark to myself and others, about the
special nature of painting on location, and how that
"special" factor, if you like, is somehow translated into
the painting. For instance, when I look at a landscape
painting, I can frequently tell whether it was done in the
studio or out on location.

On one occasion, I remember packing my paints and
lunch, and canoeing over the lake to a group of islands.
I decided to paint near an island that has a variety of
weather-beaten pine trees, of various shapes and
sizes, all clinging to life on the rocky landscape.

The outing was wonderful! I painted a representation
of rocks, trees, and water. During the excursion, I took
several breaks to relax in the warm sun and beauty of
the summer day. It was a personal, natural healing
and wellness experience.

So, I want to emphasize several points:

1. Nature and art combine very well in creating a
wonderful therapeutic experience. You can experience
the benefits of nature and art with a sketch book and
a pencil.

2. You don't need the aid of a professional therapist
to incorporate nature therapy into a wellness routine.

3. A nature and art experience can benefit children,
adults, and those with special needs, or persons who
are suffering from some form of addiction.

I encourage you to enjoy the natural world, while also
expressing your artistic skills. And, please, don't say
that you lack artistic skill! We all are artists, in the
sense that we express ourselves in unique, creative

In my case, I plan to paint on location in the coming
year, like I used to do.


"There is something beautiful about all scars of
 whatever nature. A scar means the hurt is over,
 the wound is closed and healed, done with."

      ~ Harry Crews ~

Here are some articles and a video:


Does Glucosamine Really Work: Use it the right way -
you win, use it the wrong way - you lose

Confirmed! Flu Vaccine INCREASES Risk of Serious
Pandemic Flu Illness - http://goo.gl/Xbg9k

Study finds why antidepressants work better for some

Medical apps promote patient self-care, could ease
burden on health system - http://goo.gl/eKWDm

Video (with notes):

“Safe” levels of GM Maize and Roundup can cause
tumours, multiple organ damage and premature death
in laboratory rats, finds first peer-reviewed lifetime
feeding trial - http://goo.gl/UCkc3

Good medicine always,

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Enjoy a plant/tree medicine walk at my place! I'm
booking morning medicine walks for October. The
rate is $40.00 for a personal (individual) outing.
The group rate is $25.00 per person.

Laurie's Mini Catalogue
Check out my books:

The Healing Power of Manuka Honey (Kindle
bookstore, $0.99).

The Nature Therapy Pocket Book for Stress Control
and Self-Growth (Kindle bookstore, $0.99).

Micmac Medicines: Remedies and Recollections
Nimbus Publishing, Halifax, Nova Scotia. 
ISBN # 1-55109-041-4 -- Available at Amazon
Books, http://goo.gl/SMRQ (Note: the Revised
Second Edition may not be available on Amazon.
However, it is available in many bookstores)

Medicine Walk: Reconnecting With Mother Earth
Nimbus Publishing, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
ISBN # 1-55109-306-5 -- Available at Amazon
Books, http://goo.gl/DBFi

General Info
Natural Healing Talk © Copyright 2006-2012.
Laurie Lacey, except where indicated otherwise.
All rights reserved world-wide. Reprint only
with permission from copyright holder(s). All
trademarks are property of their respective
owners. All contents provided as is. Advertisers
are solely responsible for their ad content.

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Disclaimer: The material in this newsletter is
for information purposes only, and is not meant
to replace professional medical advice and
treatment. Any use of information in this newsletter
for treatment or self-treatment is strictly the
responsibility of the individual(s) involved in said

Natural Healing Talk is a double opt-in ezine
available by subscription only. I neither use
nor endorse the use of spam.

Thank you for reading the newsletter!