Natural Healing and Wellness Through Harmony With Nature
There are many things we can do to take
responsibility for our health and wellness. A
couple of things immediately come to mind - diet
and exercise. In paying closer attention to what
we eat and drink, and our exercise regimen, we
empower ourselves. In other words, we make
choices and perform actions that directly affect
our well-being.
Cultivate a sense of harmony with nature. This is
an excellent way to promote the natural balance of
the body, mind, and spirit. Take walks in natural
settings, if possible. Make this part of your exercise
Walk in areas where your feet make contact with
the earth. In this way, you are more apt to receive
beneficial earth currents, and, besides, walking
on earth and sod is less shocking to the feet and
legs, than walking on concrete and paved areas.
When you walk on hard surfaces for long periods
of time, you place excessive stress on your feet.
Running on concrete sidewalk or pavement is
especially stressful, and increases shock and
wear on the hips, legs, feet, and joints.
As you walk along, focus on your steps and the
impressions of your feet as they make contact
with the earth, over and over again. Then,
continuing to walk, imagine yourself gaining a
deep harmony with Mother Earth. I say, "imagine,"
because, while some people are able to sense
and feel this earth connection, it is difficult for
others to do so. But, the power of imagination
can be of assistance in this regard.
In time, the imagination will tend to create a
sense of harmony in your mind. It is a harmony
that you would not experience, otherwise. Then,
as you continue your walks and your interaction
with nature and the natural landscape, you will
eventually experience a mental peace and
harmony without the aid of your imagination.
This indicates progress on a couple of levels.
First, that you have conditioned your objective
consciousness to respond to your walks in nature
and the natural environment, with a sense of
well-being and harmony. As well, it indicates that
on deeper, subjective levels, you have achieved
a connectedness and sense of harmony with
the earth, and with nature generally. Those are
positive things that will benefit your overall health.
When cultivating wellness in the above fashion,
it is important to enjoy yourself, and not to
proceed simply from a feeling of duty and
obligation. You should approach your activities
from a perspective of joy. Proceed from that
perspective and great benefits will result in your
Good medicine always!
Note: This article appeared in an issue of my
Natural Healing Talk newsletter. You can find
the subscription form to the left of this article.
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